About the Project

Welcome to Project Help a Hoarder. This is a summary of my goals in developing this blog.

*Get my mom's house cleaned out and fixed up.-Remove the clutter.-Make the house clean.
*Complete needed repairs to necessary locations.
*Share what hoarding means, at least as how it has affected our family.
*Promote dialogue about the issue and encourage those in relatable circumstances.
*Dissuade the shame associated with the label in an attempt to promote health; health in the mind, in relationship to material items, and a more peaceful spirit.
*Remove obstacles, physically and metaphorically, that have built hindrances between loved ones.

Right now, these feel like lofty goals, but I believe they can be achieved. With the help of God, friends, and family, I know they can be. Your support is not only encouraged, but it is sincerely requested. From a distance, hoarding may seem like a lazy person's excuse for collecting a mess of junk. The initial response from some may be "Just get up and clean! There are people with real problems and you're asking for help with  this?" Well, yes. Yes I am. We all have difficult times we have to endure. Some more tedious, life-threatening, or long-lasting than others. But there's more to hoarding than just the clutter. In this case, the hoarding is a sort of visual culmination of life's various trials all coming to a head in our home. In asking for support, I'm not just hoping you'll offer money or a truck to haul junk. While those things will be helpful, I'm asking that you join us in meeting the goals I mentioned above. Whether you're reading here or thinking about something more personal to you, keep an open mind, and consider what you can do. If we all work together, we can get our messes cleaned up.

Thanks for stopping by. Be blessed.
Go hug a hoarder. ;)

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